Sunday, July 22, 2007

Great success!!

Blue skies, sweet pies, lots of people, and much fun - Heartland's yard sale turned out to be a great success. Thanks to all the hard work of everybody involved and all the great stuff our wonderful friends and supporters donated, we will be able to replace our old, decrepit water bottles with brandnew ones for all the Heartland bunnies. Yeahy!

No sleep for Megan and Jeannie before the yard sale, but even in the oppressing heat they kept going and going... while Brad found a comfortable chair after hours of loading and unloading heavy tables, chairs, TVs, microwaves, and so much more.

We want to thank all of you who donated time, money, and stuff to sell for your kindness and support. Without you guys none of this would have been possible! Our very special thanks goes out to Jolene and her kind friends who donated the most wonderful pastries which delighted not only our customers (people came back for more and somebody asked which bakery we were using...) but also our volunteers (the blueberry pie was divine!!).

Another special thanks goes out to our little Miss Sarah who was raising money for the Heartland bunnies playing wonderful songs on the viola.

All in all, a great success!

(...and time for me to finish one of those heavenly pies...)



Blogger Ellie said...

Hello! What a lovely site! I hope you don't mind, I've linked to you... :)

9:36 AM  
Blogger Layla said...

Looks like the sale was a great success, sorry I missed it! The pies look wonderful! xoxo,


9:46 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Layla, thank you for contributing so kindly to the water bottle fund! They're on their way to Heartland, all 120 of them :-)


9:23 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Shoutycrackers, thank you for linking to our blog. I still have to view yours, but I bet it's awesome.

I'm glad you like our blog.


9:25 AM  

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