I stumbled upon this brand at Big Lots. I thought it was just too cute, plus it is organic and tastes good. I had to go to the website
http://www.annies.com/ and learn more. I found out it is somewhat pricey; but if you happen upon it on sale, like I did, I would definitely recommend it. Plus, who can turn down cereal called "Bunny Love" and "Honey Bunnies"?
Yes, it is good cereal. I found Bunny Love at Wal-Mart. I didn't know about the Honey Bunny. I will look for that one next time. We go organic whenever we can.
Hmmm, I should be packing but I think
there's time for a trip to Big Lots.
Gotta go! Going to visit that website.
They have great macaroni and cheese, too! But, we love the package on the Honey Bunnies!
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