A Match Made in Heaven!

Hi all,
Christina here. Usually the bunnies are the ones to blog but I thought I would take a shot at it. I need to brag on my boys and newly bonded pair, Nemo and Stewart!!!! Yes, it was fast. A lot faster than bonding my trio for sure. I actually didnt intend on things going this quickly but it was love at first sight. The first meeting in the bathroom had Nemo grooming Stewart within about 30 seconds. I have never seen anything so sweet. Two little soul mates that found each other. We were so lucky, every meeting after produced zero aggression. I have done nothing but research on bonding two boys (mine are both neutered of course, dont try this with unaltered buns) and I have read a lot of negative things about bonding two boys. I think it can be done without regard to sex but is more dependent on personality. They are quite a kick to watch. Nemo is teaching Stewart the best spots to stretch out (under my bed) and because Stewart's veggies have to be shredded and we didn't know the best way around this because Stewart aka "piggie buns" was trying to finish up anything Nemo left behind, he is teaching Nemo to eat shredded yummies. They love to eat together and hang out. Hopefully Stewart will teach Nemo better litter box manners but somehow I doubt it. Well, I will stop all this bragging now but please congratulate the happy couple!
Congratulations to all three of you! Good job mom for seeing the potential. That is the sweetest picture! Now you must watch out for the "let's get momma" pranks.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh Christina, I am soooo happy!!!!! What a wonderful surprise! They truly belong together - I think you must have unconsciously sensed it or had a premonition whenever you were at Heartland and talked to Stewart.
I'm so happy for the three of you!
Aint It Grand ????
Congratulations to all of you! Isn't it wonderful when everything comes together and everyone's happy?
Congratulations to the happy family!! That's wonderful that they have adopted each other so easily!
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