An unassuming bunny.

Our dear little Raphael left for the bridge a week ago. He came to Heartland in March 05 as a little baby bun. He was part of a roundup that came out of Texas. He was very carelessly separated from his mother too early by inexperienced or uncaring people before he got to Heartland.
Raphael was a quiet and unassuming bun. One of those black bunnies that doesn't capture attention. Well you captured mine Raphael. I remember seeing you a week before you left for the bridge. You were dashing around your playpen with excitement when I gave you a little oatmeal. You were busy chatting it up with your neighbor Murray. Talking about "big" things I imagine.
I will miss you Raphael and think of you often. Black bunnies hold a special place in my heart. Godspeed on your journey to the bridge baby.
“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”
Irish Blessing
What a beautiful tribute to Raphael! I will miss him, too. His quiet ways, his calm, and his uncharacteristic ferociousness at nail-trimming time...
By now, little Raphael, you have certainly met up with all your old North Warren buddies that went before you ... Ben, Opal, Jelly Bean, Harley and the others who will always have a place in our hearts - just like you.
Oh Dear .... take care.
Beautiful words - very touching!
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