There's a Party Over Here ...
... yes, a huge veggie party was going on at Heartland last Sunday, generously funded by one of our dearest friends. We humans were slaving away all afternoon ...

to design gourmet concoctions of cilantro, parsley, and a variety of the finest lettuce available ...

to please even the most particular bunny palate. And while the volunteers exhaustedly sunk to the ground, the bunnies were happily munching away:

But despite our best efforts, there is just always SOMEONE who disapproves of SOMETHING ...
"Dude, get that camera out of my face!"

to design gourmet concoctions of cilantro, parsley, and a variety of the finest lettuce available ...
to please even the most particular bunny palate. And while the volunteers exhaustedly sunk to the ground, the bunnies were happily munching away:

But despite our best efforts, there is just always SOMEONE who disapproves of SOMETHING ...
"Dude, get that camera out of my face!"

Labels: disapproval, HRR, party, veggies, volunteers
Aw .. what a great bunny treat that all was! I think the disapproving was just for show!
I'm glad you had a great party, bunnies! (Bunny lips are so cute.)
Wow! Food, food, and more food! How great it all looks!
Oh, what a great party! Wish I could have been there!
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