*** RAFFLE *** RAFFLE *** RAFFLE ***

Ears up, everybody!
Our dear friend Bridget, an artist and fellow animal lover in Arizona ("HeartofaCowgirl") , has crafted a beautiful piece of jewelry out of pink rhodonite, black onyx and Bali silver beads, complete with a wonderful pewter leaping bunny pendant to be raffled off. All the proceeds go directly to Heartland Rabbit Rescue!
Our dear friend Bridget, an artist and fellow animal lover in Arizona ("HeartofaCowgirl") , has crafted a beautiful piece of jewelry out of pink rhodonite, black onyx and Bali silver beads, complete with a wonderful pewter leaping bunny pendant to be raffled off. All the proceeds go directly to Heartland Rabbit Rescue!
Thank you, Bridget, for this wonderful gift to the bunnies!
Raffle tickets will be available for purchase from today through September 30th, with the drawing to be held on October 1st. Tickets are $2 each (or 3 for $5, 7 for $10 or 15 for $20). You can win this beautiful necklace which has a retail value of $61.00 for only $2.00! Just follow this link below to Bridget's website to buy your raffle tickets through PayPal (she also takes checks, by the way).
ANYBODY would love this necklace, so tell your friends and family to participate ... help the Heartland bunnies!!!
mom hafs a frind who haz a bunny... weze tell hur.
derh iz sum kitty bloggers who also hafs bunny frinds.
u cood go to blog(dot)catblogosphere(dot)com and leves a linky about dis cyoot neklase.
katie too
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