"I Like Open Spaces,"

where I can binky and run."
Faith is a newcomer here. Heartland hasn't been taking in new rabbits. There just isn't any more room. But the other day our 'emergency' spot at the end of a row was filled by this lovely soul. Our 'emergency' spot is a little extra space left over in a row of cages. We didn't want to waste that space, so Brad built a cage to fit it. Our thoughts were that we could place a Netherland Dwarf there. The cage is much too small for Faith, but we will move her to the next available open spot. We don't think she minds the small cage too much, given where she came from....
Our next-door neighbor has a friend that recently moved into a house in a small town near here. He was told by his landlord, "oh, by the way, please feed the rabbit in the hutch out back." He found out from his new neighbors that the rabbit was owned by former tenants and left behind when they moved out, saying, "she's not worth much, she stopped breeding."(*sigh*) Other short term renters came and went, with each one told to "feed the rabbit out back." One tenant before the friend of our next-door neighbor said he was tired of feeding the rabbit and was just going to eat her. (*sigh*) Our next-door neighbor told us that there are frequent coyote visitations in that area. What an ordeal for her! One of our volunteers suggested the name Faith because she had to have had a lot of it to make it through. Another volunteer has graciously provided her sponsorship and we will have her spay surgery done as soon as possible. Faith is a sweet rabbit with a gentle nature. It is amazing to us that having been treated the way that she has that she could remain so sweet. The sadness in her eyes is gradually being replaced by happiness. Oh, and can you see the binkying bunny around her eye? A sign of her inner happy bunny trying to emerge.
Labels: Faith
Wish I could think of something to say. Some humans really suck. Sweet Faith, you have had the bad, now you will know what love is like.
I'm so glad some people are always willing to find a way to help "just one more." I know my Gabe is happy you helped him when you didn't have room, and hopefully Faith will find a new home just as quickly as he did!
I try not to wear my heart on my sleeve but Faith got to me anyway. I am so happy and grateful that she will have a happy ending!!!
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