Love Letters

Dear Momma,
Please dont ever stop loving me!!!! I know I am aloof and hide from you a lot. I cant help myself. It's hard for me to trust humans. I cant explain to you in words why I act the way I do and why I only show affection to my girls but I DO love you momma!!! I just cant really show you how. Dont ever send me away like the first human that had me. I get to snuggle with my ladies and always have plenty of nice things to eat. My house is big and I get to come out often. You never yell at me when I nibble on your books and you dont pick me up. Can I trust you to keep me around even if I am not friendly and seldom binky? I want to stay here with Mojo and Tango forever. Please!
My dearest Dudley buns,
Momma would NEVER send you away because you arent as outgoing as the others. The person who said that to momma was an idiot. You must never ever worry that momma doesnt understand why you are the way you are. Momma knows that bunnies can have a really hard time in life. They are misunderstood and need a lot of patience and respect. I know you dont trust humans and I dont blame you. You were born and raised in chaos and noise with lots of scary things happening around you all the time. I want you to have a happy and secure life with your girls and only binky when you feel like it. Momma will never yell at you, hit you or make you afraid of her hands. You have no idea how much I love you. You can hide all you want and nibble all the books momma has. Not all bunnies are the same but all of them are special and you are too. Stop worrying so much. You are here to stay!
Dear Dudley and momma, thank you for letting us read your letters. Dudley's is heart breaking but beautiful too. Bad start in life, but what a lucky break later on. Unconditional love is rare.It was meant to be that his momma found him. We just need more mommas for the other Dudleys. (and i need to find that box of kleenex)
Oh Christina, that is so beautiful, it actually made me cry a little.
Dandi and Simon are just like Dudley, but we also love them with all our hearts!
Thank you for sharing the letters.
Christina, what Andrea was saying about Dandi and Simon is they are both rescues, and their pasts are dark indeed. She and I are really hoping you can make it to the yard sale Sat. She can tell you her bunnies' stories then. Simon's is so gruesome, this blog would not be the place to tell it. We know of at least one 9 year old who reads it, there is probably others.
I am going to come on Saturday. I look forward to meeting everyone. I am almost afraid to hear Andrea's tale. Dudley's story wasnt horrible just sad and an example why not everyone should have bunnies. I have told everyone at work who likes to garage sale and hope they will come and spend a little money for the bunnies.
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