Our Sweet Girl Chloe

Well, I couldn't have been more wrong! By the very next day she was venturing out, then exploring, and soon racing around the room chinning everything. By that evening she was coming up to us demanding to be petted. She and the cat had an instant bond--they were sneaking up on each other and then running away, trying to figure out some interspecies way to play. The transformation was simply amazing!

I wish everyone who has considered adopting or spent time with a frightened shelter animal could have seen it. In the matter of one weekend this shy quiet girl transformed into a free-range rabbit diva. When not racing around the room & binkying, she was stretched out regally across the carpet. It looked like Cleopatra floating down the Nile on her barge. When we had to put her back in her cage, she made sure to show her disapproval by giving us "the butt". It was such a wonderful feeling watching her personality blossom.
Sadly, we didn't have her in our home for very long before she passed away from a previously undiagnosed heart defect. But, we feel grateful and privileged to have given her the experience of being adopted and spoiled by a loving family before she crossed the rainbow bridge. Although her time with us was relatively short, the impression she made on us was deep, and she will always be a part of our family. She reminded me of one of the most important things in life--that our time on earth with loved ones, furry or otherwise, is not guaranteed, and we need to make the most of each day. In typical bunny-diva fashion, her epitaph should read "Give me more carrots!!!"
The Fowlers
Labels: Chloe