It’s been nearly a year and a half since I made Denver my new home. As happy as I am here, there is one place I miss more than words can express.
While volunteering at Heartland I found truly unconditional love of making the world a better place for others. Blood, sweat, and tears are daily given to better the lives of others. I found a warmth like no other. A warmth that glows bright on the coldest winter days. My soul is inevitably soothed when I approach.
No one cares for worldly things. You are there, that is enough. All petty cares of everyday modern life are allowed to drift away like fall leaves from a tree.
The purest form of giving occurs everyday. But what is given never runs out. Love is the only thing that, when given away, its power increases.
If I do not often visit “virtually,” it is only because my sorrow at my absence is sometimes too much. The only time I ever doubted my move came from a virtual visit. I know it is not the right attitude but sometimes staying away is easier. I can not stand to be so far from a place I love so dearly, a place I am needed. Of course, this is unfair. To all involved.
You are irreplaceable. There is no other place I feel such things. I will continue to give to others and enjoy doing so. But nothing will ever fill the hole left.
Please know that I have received more than I can ever give back. When life becomes rough I can always turn to my adopted furry children and find comfort and happiness. My time at Heartland not only carried my through difficult days, it made those days pleasant and worthwhile. I found a sense of purpose and without that I am lost.
Also know that although I am many miles away, my support is never, ever more than a phone call or e-mail away. If there are things that I may help with in any way, I beg of all of you not to hesitate to ask. My ability to help means more to me than you know. It fulfills me to help you.
In another sense of homecoming, I cuddled with my babies upon arriving back in Denver last Monday. It was wonderful to visit family and friends and spend a day at Heartland but I was also happy to be back with my furry children (and husband!). Gandalf and Shadow were too shy but Sable is always willing to pose for a picture.

With love,