Our dear friend Bridget in Arizona makes the most beautiful hand-crafted jewelry out of turquoise, lapis, rhodonite, and other gemstones combined with wonderful sterling silver toggles, clasps, and charms... Once you see her unique pieces, you'll fall in love with them! But our cowgirl also has a big heart for animals, and we love following her blog about life on an Arizona ranch in the midst of her own animals, including a bunch of beautiful house bunnies. Bridget generously donates 10% of her jewelry sells to animal rescues and has now come up with a most wonderful and generous idea:
To raise more money for animal rescues, Bridget crafted a beautiful cowgirl handcuff to be raffled off:

All the proceeds of the August raffle go to Equine Voices Rescue and Sanctuary
http://equinevoices.org/ , once the home of Bridget's very own horse Piper.
If you would like to help the sanctuary, please go to Bridget's blog and get yourself some ruffle tickets (1 ticket for $2, 3 tickets for $5. or 7 tickets for only $10). On her blog, just click on the paypal button on the left:
http://heartofacowgirl.blogspot.com/Remember: this beautiful cuff could be yours!!!

If you would like to check out Bridget's other unique creations, click here: http://www.heartofacowgirl.etsy.com/
And last, but certainly not least, Bridget's September raffle will be for Heartland Rabbit Rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited and already want to send a heartfelt "thank you" to Bridget. Everybody, make sure to visit our blog in September and check out what you can win in Bridget's Heartland raffle!