Bogart has it, & i've seen at least one other with this condition. I'd like to know if there are more out there. I call it D.B.S.S., for "
Dead Bunny Sleeping Syndrome". It's
when your bunny sleeps in such ridiculous contorted positions that either 1) he looks like road kill, or 2) like he's already departed for the great beyond, and rigor mortis has set in. No matter how many times he's done it, it each time I want to check his pulse to make sure he's still alive. See below:

When I do poke him, he jerks awake & looks annoyed, as if to say, "what did you wake me up for"? Grouchy old men don't like being awoke from their naps!

Sorry, Bogart. You fooled me again. Sometimes, seeing him breathe is about the only way I can tell he's still alive! :)
Labels: house rabbit, oklahoma rabbit rescue, pet rabbit