and you can do almost anything you want.....but, JUST DON'T DANCE!" I went to the warrens to do some work, put a CD on for some motivation and started down the middle aisle between the playpens when a certain song came on titled "Stomp". It brought back fond memories of party times long,long ago. All I was doing was a little hip swinging and a few funky steps when suddenly I heard a commotion just to my left, which erupted in a millisecond into a tsunami of full blown panic. The bonded pair of New Zealands to my immediate left had freaked at the sight of my dance,which alerted their neighbors,which alerted their neighbors, and so on. The rippling effect was astonishing. Bunnies were dashing around their playpens saying, "WHAT IS IT?! WHAT IS IT?!!!" One of them nearly jumped completely over the side. I knew just to back up slowly and be very still until this panic subsided. When it did I was relieved to see no one was hurt. However, many were now in freeze frame. Some were still huddled together for safety, some were clutching the side of the playpen, some were hiding behind anything they could find (it is SO cute when they hide their face and their butt sticks out a mile), and practically everyone was wearing the contents of their potty boxes. One playpen was knocked completely apart and I've got some repair work to do. Lots of sweeping to do and broken pieces of a food dish to find. I've got to remember these guys are prey and their instincts keep them on the alert for any threat. I am not allowed to dance in the warren any more,....ever.